[Space] 2022.03.15

Challenges | Campaigns | Solicitations
University rocketry teams: want to launch rockets and compete regionally against other university teams and potentially join next year's Spaceport America Cup? Registration closes March 31, 2022. [Forward]
Non-recyclable waste could take up crucial space on future spacecraft. NASA is seeking an efficient and reliable jettison concept. $30,000 in total prizes. Closes April 12, 2022. [Forward]
Build a model to automatically analyze mass spectrometry data collected for Mars exploration to help scientists understand the past habitability of Mars. $30,000 in prizes. Closes April 18, 2022. [Forward]
Create a system that can detect hazards from high altitudes to facilitate a spacecraft’s landing in the dark. Up to $650,000 to each winning team. Closes May 5, 2022. [Forward]
The primary goal of this challenge is to create actionable design concepts for ash removal from a trash-to-gas reactor in microgravity. $30,000 in total prizes. Closes May 12, 2022. [Forward]
Aphelion Aerospace aims to revolutionize access to space, by providing dedicated services for small spacecraft for use in commerce, science, and research. [Forward]
Launch to space on the New Shepard rocket. On your 11-minute flight, you’ll travel 3X the speed of sound to pass the Kármán Line and witness life-changing views of Earth. [Forward]
Virgin Galactic is taking reservations for suborbital flights ($450,000 total ticket price, $150,000 deposit). They expect to begin commercial human suborbital missions before the end of 2022. [Forward]
Book your six-hour voyage on Spaceship Neptune now for 2025 and see Earth from space. Book an individual seat or a full 8 person capsule. $125,000 per space explorer. [Forward]
XPRIZE Carbon Removal is aimed at tackling climate change and advancing space exploration. Teams will create and demonstrate solutions that can pull carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere or oceans. [Forward]
Join 12,349 volunteers in labelling images from the Curiosity Rover, collectively creating the first open-source navigation-classification dataset of the Red Planet, which will be used to train future rovers. [Forward]
This two-part workshop will bring scientists and engineers together to identify and discuss high-priority approaches to life-detection, technology gaps, and more. Workshops are March 21-25 and April 11-15, 2022. [Forward]
Join this conference for opportunities to meet with leaders in the space exploration field, exchange information and ideas, and discuss career aspirations. In-person and virtual options available. March 23-25, 2022. [Forward]
NASA’s Mars Exploration Program invites the Mars community, including scientists and engineers, to the Westin Pasadena Hotel to share ideas and approaches for low-cost exploration of Mars. March 29-31, 2022. [Forward]
The premier event for global space professionals, providing a unique opportunity to examine space issues from multiple perspectives, promote dialog, and focus attention on critical space issues. April 4-7, 2022. [Forward]
NAVITEC 2022, an open forum for space and terrestrial satellite navigation technology designers, developers, integrators, users, universities, and agency representatives, will take place online. Tickets are 50-100€. April 4-8, 2022. [Forward]
Activities will be held at the German Aerospace Center in Cologne and online. The latest developments in EP technology in Europe will be collected and evaluated. April 4-8, 2022. [Forward]
The CubeSat Developers Workshop is an annual 3-day global small-satellite conference hosted by CubeSat at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. Tickets range from $60-$600. April 26–28, 2022. [Forward]
Join the brightest minds in the space industry at SPACEtalks 3.0. Expect to hear powerful presentations, network, and get involved in discussions regarding the industry’s future. April 27, 2022. [Forward]
This conference will explore mission concepts, discuss emerging technologies, and foster outside the box thinking that will be critical to future interplanetary small satellite missions. May 2-3, 2022. [Forward]

Add your event or campaign. Contact us for details.

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Space Ecosystem | Startups | Deals
CesiumAstro develops and manufactures active phased array communications payloads for satellites and airborne platforms. The funding will go to expanding manufacturing operations and accelerating development of satellites built in-house. [Forward]
Image Credit: Satixfy
SatixFy develops satellite antennas, terminals, and modems that are based on semiconductors it develops in-house. The company expects to raise up to $230 million in gross proceeds with the merger. [Forward]
Slingshot will use the new funds to accelerate the commercialization of Slingshot Beacon, a space collision avoidance platform where commercial, government, and civil satellite operators can share space traffic information. [Forward]
Privateer’s new visualization tool, Wayfinder, combines data from several sources to deliver better information about objects in orbit and more tailored space situational awareness services for satellite operators. [Forward]
Space Exploration | Development
The omnibus spending bill for 2022 gives NASA a little more than $24 billion, $760 million below the administration’s request. The largest cut came in NASA’s space technology directorate. [Forward]
For NASA and the US, losing the ISS would mean the forfeiture of more than $100 billion. Without the ISS, Russia has no path forward for a civil space program. [Forward]
The US military plans to launch a satellite, likely equipped with a powerful telescope, into cislunar space. The satellite will be called the Cislunar Highway Patrol System (CHPS). [Forward]
The winning consortium will produce a small piece of equipment that will evaluate the prospect of building larger lunar plants to extract propellant for spacecraft and breathable air for astronauts. [Forward]
Efforts like these could lead to better, cheaper satellites that lower the cost of internet and cell phone networks, provide better weather forecasts, and give unprecedented views of planetary change. [Forward]
Astronomy | Astrophysics | Cosmology
Three years after the kilnova phenomenon (the merger of two neutron stars), astrophysicists spotted mysterious X-rays they believe could be the very first detection of a kilonova "afterglow." [Forward]
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Kevin M. Gill
The new picture of Jupiter shows the planet looming large with the shadow of its biggest moon Ganymede blanketing its clouds. The image comes from Kevin M. Gill. [Forward]
Even if an industrialized society existed 200,000 million years ago and lasted 100,000 years it still might be easy to miss on the geological record. [Forward]